Frequently asked questions

Welcome to our FAQ page! Here, you'll find answers to the most common questions about our products

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to contact us below. Our team is here to help!

How Does Guardian Tape & Nose Strips Actually Work?

How Do I Apply Mouth Tape?

How Do I Apply Nose Strips?

What’s The Science Behind It?

What Specific Problems Do You Solve?

Who Benefits Most From Guardian Tape?

Are The Endurance-Boosting Effects Immediate?

Are They Comfortable & Safe To Use During Sleep & Training?

How And When Will I Notice Improvements In My Sleep, Breathing, & Performance?

How Often Should I Use Guardian Tape Products?

Why Should I Choose Guardian Tape?

Do You Have A Satisfaction Guarantee?

Do You Offer Subscriptions or Bulk-Purchase Options?

How Long Does Each Product Last?

What If I Am Not Impressed?

Additional Information


Below are some quick facts about the benefits of nasal breathing

Oxygen Absorption

Oxygen Optimisation

Reduces Stress + Improves Focus

Improves Sleep's Positive Qualities