Meet the Team

Guardian Tape was founded by Mary S. & Ryan W. at the start of 2024. After months of trialling many different solutions to fix her sleep, Mary, a primary teacher, decided that she had to share the product that helped her most.

Enter Guardian Tape - the simplest and most effective way to markedly improve sleep quality, exercise recovery, and snoring prevention.

Ryan, a trainer and son of two ADF officers, had always put health and fitness first. He realised the extraordinary benefits of nose breathing, and that these benefits could be amplified so quickly by using that same mouth tape Mary slept with.

Now, the pair are on a mission to bring mouth taping to the forefront of Australia's health and fitness scene, doing so by spreading awareness of nose breathing, and Guardian Tape, to the many athletes, first responders, military personnel, and educators that share the same passion for life as they do.

Want to follow our story? Subscribe to Guardian Tape's email list, & Instagram (@guardiantape_), to be the first to see our advancements!


Our Athletes

  • Allegra Vickas - Current NSW Women's Muay Thai Champion
  • Joseph Davis - Upcoming Australian MMA Fighter
  • More to come....

Benefits of Nasal Breathing

Oxygen absorption

Nasal breathing allows for better oxygen absorption, leading to increased stamina and endurance.

This is because the nose filters, warms, and humidifies the air, making it more efficient for the lungs to use. (Nestor, J. (2020). Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art. Riverhead Books).

Oxygen Optimisation

Controlled nasal breathing optimises oxygen use, reducing fatigue and enhancing overall athletic performance.

Guardian Tape Nose Strips help maintain open nasal passages, making it easier to breathe through the nose during intense physical activity.

Mouth taping encourages diaphragmatic (belly) breathing, which is more efficient for oxygen exchange and can improve athletic performance by increasing stamina and reducing fatigue

(McKeown, P. (2015). The Oxygen Advantage: Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques to Help You Become Healthier, Slimmer, Faster, and Fitter. HarperCollins).

Reduces Stress + Improves Focus

Nasal breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps lower stress levels and improve mental clarity. Using Guardian Tape Nose Strips can help you stay calm and focused, whether you’re working, studying, or competing.

(Vranich, B. (2016). Breathe: The Simple, Revolutionary 14-Day Program to Improve Your Mental and Physical Health. St. Martin's Griffin).

Improves Sleep's Positive Qualities

Mouth taping encourages nasal breathing, which enhances oxygen intake and improves sleep quality by reducing snoring and sleep apnea incidents

Nasal breathing, facilitated by mouth taping, has been shown to enhance heart rate variability and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to reduced stress and improved overall cardiovascular health.

(McKeown, P. (2015). The Oxygen Advantage: Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques to Help You Become Healthier, Slimmer, Faster, and Fitter. HarperCollins).

(Nestor, J. (2020). Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art. Riverhead Books).

(Rosenberg, J. (2018). Total Heart Rate Variability: Enhanced Well-Being Through Mindful Breathing. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform).

Frequently Asked Questions

Using Guardian Tape

  • Prepare Your Skin
    Wash and dry your face thoroughly.
  • Apply the Tape
    Position the tape horizontally across your mouth, covering both lips.
    Press gently to secure in place, ensuring no gaps.
  • Use Daily, Sleeping, or Training
    Apply the tape before bed or your workout to ensure nasal breathing.
  • Remove After Use
    Peel off gently in the morning or post-workout and dispose of properly.

    Peeling from inside, with the tongue, may be more comfortable for some users.

Using Guardian Strips

  • Clean Skin
    Wash and dry the area around your nose.
  • Apply Strip
    Remove the strip from the backing, position it across the bridge, or thickest, part of your nose, and press down firmly.
  • Use
    Apply before work to improve focus, before sleep to assist nasal breathing, or before workouts to enhance nasal airflow.
  • Remove: Gently peel off the strip in the morning or post-exercise.

Tell me about the charity work?

Guardian Tape's founders have worked closely with troubled adults and adolescents for many years, and we see the struggles that many have gone through first hand.

These people need help, and supporting them is in our nature. It only makes sense to give back.

To support these charities, simply purchase from Guardian Tape, and we'll ensure that those who need it most are looked after.

What's the catch?

What's the Catch?

At Guardian Tape, we believe in transparency. So, what's the catch?

No Hidden Fees: Our subscription plans are straightforward, with no surprise charges.

Simple Returns: Not satisfied? We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Commitment to Quality: Our products are backed by research and tested for effectiveness.

Subscription Flexibility: You can easily adjust or cancel your subscription at any time.

We're here to improve your sleep and training, without any strings attached. If you have more questions, feel free to reach out!

Our Athletes

Guardian Tape is proud to currently sponsor two Australian athletes....

Allegra Vickas
WBC NSW Muay Thai State Champion, former HS Teacher (@gambe.undici)

Joseph Davis
Upcoming professional MMA fighter, current Reserve Infantryman (@eltoro_mma)